Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kursus Penerapan Dan Peningkatan Akhlak Pelajar

Kursus dua hari ini dianjurkan oleh Pusat Da'wah Islamiah dengan kerjasama Bahagian Pendidikan Rendah, JSS adalah bertujuan untuk menerapkan rasa kecintaan kepada agama Islam, mengamalkan dan mempraktikkan ajaran agama Islam sebagai landasan hidup, mendidik murid-murid supaya menjadi seorang yang berakhlak mulia dan berilmu pengetahuan serta menghasilkan murid yang berjaya dalam kehidupan berlandaskan agama Islam.

Penceramah yang diundang adalah Pg. Yusdi bin Pg. Rumbli dan Hj Yahmyruddin Shah Bin Hj Yahmad.

Diantara tajuk ceramah yang disampaikan selama dua hari itu adalah Peranan Pelajar dalam Pandangan Islam, Menurut Ilmu dan Keutamaannya, Gejala Sosial, Kesan dan Cara Mengatasinya dan Kisah-kisah Teladan.

Seramai 30 orang murid rendah atas telah dipilih untuk menghadiri kursus ini.

Monday, April 26, 2010

They WERE presentING their composition writing during the assembly

A group of Year 5 pupils from Year 5 Harapan made a public speaking after the morning doa recitation. They were presenting a writing that they did few days ago related to past continuous tense. The topic of the writing is "Working together in the kitchen with my family".

Nurul Syafinaz began the public speaking with an opening introduction about Past Continuous Tense.

The Past Continuous Tense is used to describe an action that was still going on at the same time in the past.

In the Past Continuous Tense, the verb is made of: WAS+VERB+ING or WERE+VERB+ING.

The photos below shows some demonstration of their writing.
Sister was cutting some vegetables.
Mother was cooking fried rice. Sister was mixing the vegetables into the fried rice.

Little sister was arranging plates and spoons on the table. Brother was helping little sister.

Public speaking session is highly encourage in our school so as to train and encourage pupils to speak confidently infront of their friends or other people.

Bits and Pieces
"Public speakng is the art of diluting a two-minute idea with a two-hour vocabulary"

~John Fitzgerald Kennedy (American 35th President)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Is everything okay with the English SPN 21?

A group of teachers from the English Unit, CDD came to S.R.T.T to observe and look around the learning and teaching of English lessons for Pra classes to Year 6. A sharing session and as well as discussion were also held after that. The teachers were very kind to stay till afternoon to discuss about English SPN 21.

Year 3

Mr. Chester Tan observing Year 4

Phonics lesson was also observed

Year 3

The English teachers from S.R.T.T was really glad to have shared their concerns about English SPN 21 with the CDD English unit and they were very informative and helpful :)

Bits and Pieces
"Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers"
~Josef Albers